Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The mouse plans...

Tomorrow, here comes a typhoon. Understand, my mom. Haha.
The day after tomorrow, the UMAT conference starts. For those who want to see me in Tokyo, basically you can find me in the Todai (University of Tokyo) campus, the oldest campus from the 13th to the 16th July.
The sadistic ones of you can see me on Sat around lunch time (the nice people: do not come). I'll be suffering presenting a paper that is still on the making...
You'd better come on Sunday when I present the updated version of my article on commercials. There are brand new stuff in it.
Anyway, will keep it posted with my wonderful powerpoint soon; haha.
I hate rainy days. I hate writing papers. I like eating chocolates. My name's Garfield...


Anonymous said...

Aska, will you ever finish your trip in South-East Asia?!

Say hello to your Grand'Ma when you see her.

mousebazaar said...

J'ai transmis les bonjours familiaux à la mamie tout en forme! Euh, je vois que l'économie, comme la géographie, font partie des points faibles de la famille... Japon + Corée du Sud = Asie du Nord Est...
En tout cas, je redébarque très bientôt en France! (1er aout!)
Tout pleins de bises à la famille nombreuse! Hâte de voir le faire part de la naissance de la troisième Girault Toulousaine quand je rentrerais, mes parents m'en ont dit beaucoup de bien!

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