Thursday, March 15, 2007

multiculturalism and Korea II

Statistics are now there concerning ethnic representations in Korea and mixed-blood children. The seven main concerned countries are: Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Burma, Ouzbekistan, Russia, China. These seven countries have been selected for the Asia Start project at AFI. Asia Start: translating children book from Korean traditional folk stories into seven languages aiming at mixed blood children in Korea.
Among other representative countries: loads of 'stan' countries, as we say, countries from central Asia, India, Pakistan, only one African country (Nigeria). Japan does not seem to be concerned by this selection.
My colleagues from AFI have bought a couple of children books. I really hope I'll be able to read them in the near future. Currently, I content myself with reading pictures. I really like two out of the three books because of the drawings, typically Korean, reminding of the Korean traditional wooden masks. Curiously, I smiled at reading 'imaginatively' one of the books, since the story was really close to a Japanese story. The story of a baby that was found in a buried kochijan pot, which is reminding me of the story of the baby coming out of bamboo or a peach (momotaroo). In the beginning, there was cultural synchretism, or indigenisation, according to your standpoint!

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